About the Practice: Personal Injury Cases
Selected personal injury cases handled by members of the firm that have resulted in settlements or trials of more than one million dollars.
- Lead smelter negligently exposing 16 children to harmful lead pollution
- Faulty manufacture of safety system in truck causing paraplegia
- Auto to auto impact on freeway
- Wrongful death of truck driver at truck terminal
- Exposure to contamination by residents of Times Beach, MO.
- Improper crematory practices by funeral home
- Contamination of community drinking water supply
- Contamination of private wells
- Child born with birth defects
- Wrongful death of construction worker at airport terminal
- Release of automobile air bag causing child quadriplegia
- Auto to truck impact resulting in death to two children and brain injury to a third
- Railroad derailment exposing people to chlorine gas
- Improper use of anesthesia causing death in 14 year old
- Improper delivery resulting in cerebral palsy
- Heart valve replacement due to diet drug
Note: Results obtained depend on the facts of each case.
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