Representing Vietnam Veterans

Exposure to Agent Orange
Dr. Gerson H. Smoger was the lawyer for Joe Isaacson and Daniel Stephenson who suffer from cancers related to their exposure to Agent Orange used during the Vietnam War. Dr. Smoger argued to the U.S. Supreme Court that Vietnam veterans should be able to sue the chemical companies who manufactured Agent Orange. The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed Dr. Smoger’s prior victory in the 2nd Circuit, allowing veterans to bring lawsuits after being shut out by a decades’ old national settlement.
Law Offices of Smoger & Associates, P.C.
At the Law Offices of Smoger & Associates, P.C., the scales of justice are just a symbol. We are dedicated to providing professional and personalized service to every client. Throughout each case, our clients are assisted by our highly trained support staff who enhance the professionalism of our entire team. With the assistance of our support staff, not only do we strive to resolve each personal injury case in a timely, efficient, and advantageous manner, but we also strive to obtain results which meet the very different individual needs of each of our clients.
Our firm is comprised of a team of highly dedicated personal injury lawyers who have many years of trial experience both in state and federal courts nationwide. That experience is highly diversified in the area of personal injury litigation, including injuries from chemical injuries and prescription drugs. We can assist you with regard to your agent orange injury claim.
For all questions about Agent Orange, please contact Gerson Smoger at our California office.
California Office: 7080 Norfolk Rd, Berkeley, CA 94705 | 510-531-4LAW (4529)
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